The Chalet Le Coquelicot is compared to the latest Porche model, where the latest innovations get along well with the timeless exterior features of the car. Indeed, behind the traditional wooden facade of this newly built chalet, we can see ultra-modern interiors and all the amenities that you can only imagine. The room interiors are designed in a magnificent way, the bedrooms in dark colors look especially beautiful. In a word, wonderful luxury!
About Author:
Serge Pufik is the founder and mastermind of blog. Sergiy is an economist by profession, he worked in real estate and from childhood was fond of interior magazines. Together with his wife Anna they run design studio PH Studio, managing projects in Ukraine and far beyond.Like this post? Please share to your friends:
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Красиво, богато, но нет тепла и уюта!
Ну вот, началось, нет тепла и уюта, приехали…:( Куда уже больше уюта и тепла?
Это прекрасно! Гармоничное сочетание изысканной отделки, материалов . Все цвета и фактуры подражают красивым пейзажам. Просто высший пилотаж!