Initially, according to the developer project, this apartment of 49 sqm in a new house in the west of Moscow was supposed to be a studio home. But the wonderful design studio NIDO Interiors used the space much more efficiently: two comfortable rooms appeared after replanning: a separate bedroom, there is also an open living room with kitchen and stylish solutions in decor and furnishing. We especially liked the wallpaper in the corridor, as well as the white brick wall in the kitchen. Very bright and functional modern home for the girl!
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Добрый день!
Очень понравился ваш дизайн-проект квартиры!
Подскажите, пожалуйста, где можно купить такие обои в Москве (обои в коридоре) ???? Ищу во всех салонах, но не могу найти
Спасибо огромное!!!!