Cozy modern classics in the center of Dnipro, Ukraine (56 sqm)

The building in the center of the city of Dnipro, Ukraine, in which the apartment is located, is one of the most beautiful in the city, and is also considered its architecturally valuable heritage. What could not be said about the apartment – a typical two-room project with small rooms and extraordinarily high ceilings (4 m), which turned the premises into “wells” – in short, nothing special. But the designers from the SVOYA studio managed to create a very beautiful home in a modern classic, what the owners so dreamed about and where they can now relax from the hustle and bustle of the city in a peaceful atmosphere.

About Author:
Serge Pufik is the founder and mastermind of blog. Sergiy is an economist by profession, he worked in real estate and from childhood was fond of interior magazines. Together with his wife Anna they run design studio PH Studio, managing projects in Ukraine and far beyond.
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