The Dutch brand Present Time, specializing in the gifts, all kinds of souvenirs, items for interior decoration, continues to delight us with new products for the new season – bold design, quality materials, trendy colors, original combinations and a large assortment of non-standard products. They say that the creative department of the company travels around the world to draw inspiration and surprise everyone with non-standard ideas that are embodied in new collections. By the way, products under the Present Time brand can be purchased at the Cosmorelax store.
Tags: Netherlands home accessories
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Черт, у этих поехавших на всю голову голландцев такое чувство стиля, такое острое чутье на моду и они так свободны от штампов, что зависть гложет.И что характерно. традиций своих они не ломают при этом. И как это им удается?!