This apartment of 75 sqm in Kyiv, Ukraine – a great example of a stylish, but quite affordable design. Almost all the furniture that Katasonova Design used in this project is from Ukrainian manufacturers. Beautiful laminate flooring, inexpensive but high-quality plumbing, light, pleasant proportions of color and good accents – all this created an atmosphere of really high-quality dwelling. Once again we are convinced that the interior design is not the amount of money spent on insanely expensive pieces of furniture and decor, but, first of all, the ability to create and realize the harmony between the needs, aesthetics and possibilities that the client has.
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Действительно… При чем тут бюджет? Все достаточно цивильно.
Не уверена, что у авторов есть понимание “бюджетный”, одних только гипсокартоновых конструкций….
А что может быть дешевле гипсокартона? Просто картон?
Скорее всего интерьер может быть бюджетный за счет мебели местного производстваа