The history of this house began a few years ago when the Meyer family was looking for a home where they could live and do what they love: making maple syrup. As a result, this century-old home located in Wisconsin, USA, became their family residence. In fact, this is not even one house, but three as many: during the reconstruction, the buildings were united under one roof. During the creation of the project, the designers preserved the rural charm of this house, using natural materials such as wood and stone. Designer used warm sandy shades with green and yellow accents. The house is located by the lake, so boats, oars and sailboats have become an integral part of the decor. A wall with portraits fit seamlessly into the design: there are a lot of them, frames are different, but the black and white color scheme and the correct location turned the photos into an interesting decor item. The whole home glows and is literally filled with a warm family atmosphere. Wonderful!
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Потрясающее сочетание светлых пастельных цветов и деревянной фактуры, причем во всех частях дома. Это, как мне кажется, создает ощущение уюта, света, немного может даже провинциального очарования. Сразу захотелось в такой дом, где продуманы все мелочи, позволяющие жить удобно и красиво.