We can’t even believe that 4 years have already passed since the birth of our blog. During this period, we tried to share tens of thousands of photos, publish more than 2,500 posts, and receive many letters of thanks. We are proud that every day we are being read by an increasing number of people from all over the CIS and far beyond. This site for us is more than just a blog or an online magazine, it is a place where we share our experiences, where we draw inspiration and just relax with our souls. But we do not stand still and in the new year we plan to expand and give even more pleasant experiences. Stay tuned and thank you for being with us!
Sergiy and Anya
Photo: www.familyliving.se
С днём рождения, Пуфик! Спасибо за вдохновение и радостные эмоции! Растите и радуйте своих читателей новыми идеями и приятной атмосферой общения! :-)