The Scandinavian style is not only about white walls and minimalism, but also the use of natural materials in the decoration. The owners of this apartment rely on naturalness in everything, so the Christmas decorations are made mostly of wood, flax and felt. Felt Christmas tree toys are not difficult to make, their design is simple and concise, and you can create such decorations with your whole family, including the youngest. The same can be said about gift wrapping: it is much more fun to dress the cherished boxes with ribbons in a large company of close ones. A safe and, of course, environmentally friendly option is woodwork: every possible twigs, wooden toys and cones will perfectly fit into any space. And, of course, in order for your Christmas interior to be as beautiful as the atmosphere of the holiday itself, it is important to adhere to a certain style or theme. Happy upcoming holidays!
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ох, какая красота! сегодня ещё и снег за окном, спасибо пуфику за новогоднее настроение)