Stunning private home on the site of old ranch

Beautiful facade, large windows and modern bright interiors – now this house amazes with its splendor. The ranch has a rich 70-year history, but then it looked completely different. The architectural studio, which was responsible for the restoration, built the second floor, replaced the windows, while the floors of the first floor and the foundation were left unchanged. They also altered the backyard – instead of a garage and a parking lot, a cozy patio and a guest house were made. The house impresses both outside and inside: besides stylish furniture and decor, here, for example, there is a Jacuzzi and shower in the window aperture, and in the yard there is a barbecue area, a swimming pool with a fireplace and numerous recreation areas. This mansion is so stunning that even paid tours are brought here with the help of which the owner raises some good money for charity.

About Author:
Maria is the lead author at She finished faculty of journalism and art school, works in the field of PR and has a special passion for cozy interiors. Warm and soulful interiors where the life is felt are really close to her.
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Comments: 4
  1. Марина

    Дом хорош, конечно, но я бы не стала платить за экскурсию. Возможно, там есть нечто такое, что интересно именно дизайнерам, но простому любителю там нечего делать, считаю.

  2. Наталья

    Я тоже считаю, что незачем туда ходить! Частная резиденция, реконструирована под современное жилье!

  3. Ol’ga

    Очень и очень) хочу и на экскурсию, и в гости, и пожить))

  4. Saldina

    Крутой дом! Особенно терраса между домами!

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