Bright extraordinary design of historic apartment in New York

The young and talented designer Meg Sharpe most of all loves to renovate historic housing in the prime areas of New York. Therefore, when she was asked to take on an apartment in a house built in 1920 in Manhattan, where actor David Duchovny used to live, she accepted the challenge with great enthusiasm. The new owners received a home in a rather extravagant condition: saturated colors of red and burgundy shades, a complex labyrinth of small rooms, an abundance of wild details. In this regard, the owners asked the designer to open the space as much as possible, fill it with light colors and restore the classic architectural details that were hidden under a thick layer of plaster. As a result, Meg not only regained the former glory to the gorgeous shell, but also filled the space with playful and extraordinary pieces of furniture and decor. Let’s take a look!

More: Beautiful design in New York by Elizabeth Roberts

About Author:
Anna Pufik is the founder and creative mind at blog. Anna specializes in interior design, together with her husband Sergiy they head the PH Studio design firm. She loves Scandinavian style and sophisticated timeless interiors. Follow Anna on Instagram.
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Comments: 2
  1. Inna

    Жуть. Как и всё в Н.-Й.

  2. Наталья

    Очень эстетично! Я представляю, как там жильцам комфортно!

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