The mere fact that you have the opportunity to live in such an amazing house with history is a great success itself. The building in which the apartment is located is one of the most famous in Goteborg: built in the 19th century, it has characteristic towers on the facade and a unique roof – no surprise it was used several times as a location for local films and television shows. And the apartment itself is also wonderful. Traditionally gray interiors are designed in elegant modern style, with a harmonious mix of retro objects and trendy Scandinavian furniture. Great dwelling!
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На фоне размаха красоты самого дома ещё более убогой и серой предстала квартира……
согласна, парадная круче квартиры
А мне очень понравилось! Терпеть не могу помпезность и напыщенность! Здание дома и должно быть таким! Но не квартира! В квартире люди должны свободно перемещаться и чувствовать себя комфортно.