Wooden outside, snow-white inside: Spainish house surrounded by nature

This Spanish house made of wood and stone has a completely wonderful location – green laws, hills and trees. Inside, the main accent was also given to natural materials, but they chose white as the basis, while pastel, gray and wooden accents brought the image to the ideal. Handmade ceramics, linen and rustic prints are necessary attributes of the Spanish style. On the second floor, the designer allowed himself more color and saturated the children’s rooms with pink and red tones – after all, childhood should be bright. This cottage reminds us of something fabulous. Do you agree?

More: Perhaps, ideal mountain home in Spain

About Author:
Maria is the lead author at pufikhomes.com. She finished faculty of journalism and art school, works in the field of PR and has a special passion for cozy interiors. Warm and soulful interiors where the life is felt are really close to her.
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