New boutique hotel Casa Fortunato in Lisbon is an ideal option for anyone who wants to stay and relax in a new and beautiful place with character. The hotel is kept by a couple of architects, who have four children, which means they know firsthand what does a beautiful family house mean. There are 9 guest rooms and several common areas. Each room is furnished with unique furniture and has an individual design. The small restaurant on the ground floor serves breakfast in the morning and Mediterranean cuisine in the evening. Another distinguishing feature of the hotel is its multitude of prints and vibrant colors resembling the sky during dawn or sunset. As if all the identities of Portugal and Lisbon are reflected here. Wonderful spot!
More from Portugal: Moody hotel in 19th-century building in Porto
Хочется выбежать на улицу. И спасти собаку )) Ну реально же дурдом, товарищи.
Ой. Рябит-то как.
Очень люблю нестандартные, цветоные решения отделки стен! В этом случае мои глаза просто ” оторвались” по полной! Клево!
Восторг! Это же отель, господа! Именно для таких монохромных северян, как мы: приехал на недельку, оторвался по всем пунктам, а потом в родную чб сторонушку.
Это шикарно!!! от и до!