Blue dining room with pink chairs and 16th-century paintings: impressive apartment in Paris

This Parisian apartment surprisingly combines a love of modern design, French style and Italian art. The designer did a great job of selecting shades, fabrics and textures. In theory, it seems that the combination of some shades within a single interior is completely impossible – for example, purple and fuchsia are something from the category of bold experiments. But the creator of this project ambitiously breaks stereotypes. Italian artists of the 16-17th centuries, whose owner owns the collection of paintings, would probably be surprised at the neighborhood with such bright colors and unusual furniture. Nevertheless, this combination looks very fresh. And even against such a catchy background, it is precisely the pictures in golden frames that come out on top.

More: Eclectic home of a collector in Spain

About Author:
Maria is the lead author at She finished faculty of journalism and art school, works in the field of PR and has a special passion for cozy interiors. Warm and soulful interiors where the life is felt are really close to her.
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Comments: 2
  1. ната

    Неоднозначное впечатление с одной стороны нравятся спокойные величественные оттенки которые служат фоном для прекрасной коллекции картин. а с другой стороны глядя на этот ковер хочется зажмурится . Дело вкуса но ковер такого яркого я бы сказала наглого цвета “солирует” в интерьере и отвлекает внимание . А акцентом должны быть все-таки картины.

  2. Maryna

    5 фото снизу… Это портрет франкенштейна или у меня буйно развито воображение? (смотрю с телефона, не очень хорошо видно)

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:) :D :( :o 8O :? 8) :lol: :x :P :oops: :cry: :evil: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :!: :?: :idea: :arrow: :| :mrgreen:

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