The owners of this house in California wanted to create the atmosphere of old Spanish-style villas in it. The designer fully took into account the wishes of the client, making a modern and at the same time a bit vintage design. Here, American and Spanish styles are intertwined very interestingly. The large kitchen and sofa areas, which are typical for American homes, are combined with leather furniture, carpets and textiles with ornaments and patterned tiles in the spirit of Southern Europe. All the rooms of the house are designed in the same style, without deviating from the selected materials and themes, so it is very interesting to watch how the story is revealed room by room – it’s great to study what other details and techniques the designer chose. By the way, we noticed one curious thing: next to the main large kitchen behind the wall there is also a small one, with a bar, sink and cupboards – we can only wonder how the owners use it. But the verdict is still obvious: it is a very versatile and cozy home!
See also: Famous actress’ townhouse in New York
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Очень хорошо! И как удалось вписать кухонные шкафы так точно в арки)
Очень понравилось! Шикарная кухня, особенно впечатлила плита. Приятное цветовое решение, интересные детали, картины на полочках и стенах, можно долго рассматривать… Уютно, органично, арочные формы придают какой-то южный средиземноморский колорит.