Not all black and white homes are the same. The living spaces in this color scheme in New York have their own charm and style, like almost everything in this most popular city in the world. Today we have a very cool apartment design for a young family, where only black and white (with slight beige inserts) were used. The interiors are not only stylish and spectacular but also absolutely comfortable for family living. By the way, the kids room is awesome!
See one more stunning project by the studio.
Красиво конечно, но не позавидуешь хозяевам в плане уборки чёрных полов. Разве что, кто-то другой приходит и моет их, а так – «Боже упаси»!
Неужели Вы думаете, что хозяева тапочек Фенди моют полы сами? :)))