This house in Australia fascinates with a combination of strict lines and snow-white details. The designer dilutes the geometry in decoration and furniture with flashes of color and interesting decor: for example, decorative bees decorate the wall in the dining room, and the main hallmark is a huge red wardrobe. Bathrooms deserve special mention, there are several of them and each is curious in its own way. In the master bathroom – sinks resembling tall vases or barrels, and luxurious free-standing bathrooms. And in kids bathrooms – a beautiful game with geometry and color. In general, the home looks pretty minimalistic due to the small amount of furniture and decor, but a competent game with textures, shapes and colors makes it multifaceted and vibrant!
See also: Beautiful Australian interiors
Раковины, напоминающие высокие вазы, не понравились, все остальное – очень понравилось!Хороший дом!
Если увидишь необычный ” чистый” интерьер, полный свеобразия – это, как правило, Австралия). Очень оригинальный дизайн!