Interior space of this small one-bedroom apartment in Moscow provides the owners with a feeling of complete harmony and tranquility thanks to the chosen color scheme and laconic modern design. Initially, the client asked Anna Vasilyeva to design an apartment in a modern classic, but later the project went more towards the modern style, leaving a little stucco from the classics. It is noteworthy that the home is in the old house of the 1960s with low ceilings of 2.65 m, but the designer managed to smooth out all the shortcomings and create a truly comfortable and cozy space.
More: Small bright apartment with mid century touches in Moscow
Этот столик посредине кухни кажется лишним. Кухня была бы просторнее без него.
Зачем все ставят эти розги в вазах? Такое убожество.
Великолепный проект! Браво дизайнеру!
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