Magnificent home with timeless interiors in London by Rose Uniacke

Famous English designer Rose Uniacke creates spaces for people who are not being driven by fleeting fashion trends in design, but who revel in the beauty that has stood the test of time. We already posted about her projects, and today another small masterpiece is next in turn – glorious 19th-century townhouse in London Notting Hill, which was successfully returned to its former glory by the designer. Soft warm colors perfectly emphasized the classic lines and shapes, adding even more noble calm and grandeur to this unique home. Pure beauty!

See more: Charming English country

About Author:
Anna Pufik is the founder and creative mind at blog. Anna specializes in interior design, together with her husband Sergiy they head the PH Studio design firm. She loves Scandinavian style and sophisticated timeless interiors. Follow Anna on Instagram.
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Comments: 5
  1. Елена К.

    Рафинированная красота.

  2. Оксана

    Все просто великолепно !!!

  3. Ol’ga

    Выглядит так, будто хозяева собрали свои вещи и покинули дом)))

  4. Наталья

    Прекрасно! классика без помпезности, простота и изящество, все очень гармонично.Чем-то напоминает испанские интерьеры, но более утонченный.

  5. Марта


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