Spanish home with an arch and warm accents

The owner of this house in the suburbs of Barcelona approached local designer for a massive renovation – the old-fashioned interiors had to be turned into a modern and comfortable space. One of the owner’s wishes was to create an arch and decorate the ceiling with beams. And now the arch beautifully and elegantly connects the rooms, while the beams in the living room are in perfect harmony with the fireplace, shelving and wooden elements. The interiors are designed in a single manner: warm colors, wood, plants. But on the first floor, mustard and ocher were chosen as accent colors, and on the second floor caramel, brown, blue and blue were also used. What a beautiful home!

See also: Bright apartment with beams and nine balconies

About Author:
Maria is the lead author at She finished faculty of journalism and art school, works in the field of PR and has a special passion for cozy interiors. Warm and soulful interiors where the life is felt are really close to her.
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Comments: 3
  1. ната

    Милый нежный уютный интерьер. Ванная комната чудесна. Все просто и с душой сделано.

  2. Наталья

    Хочется там жить, или хотя бы погостить. Так уютно и тепло.

  3. Зафар

    Прекрасно молодцы !

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