The design team spent six months looking for a Tudor-style home in Los Angeles. Initially, the building was twice smaller, but due to the spacious land plot, it was possible to add an extension without any problems, which also added a rooftop terrace on the second floor. Designers ditched many small rooms on the ground floor in favor of open spaces and emphasized the Tudor style with beautiful arches. The facade was painted white, the windows were framed in black, and the front door was made of wood in a vintage style. The same color scheme continues in the interiors – black and white classics are occasionally complemented by warm details. During the renovation, it turned out that the previous owners did not use the attic at all – now the guest bedrooms are located under the vaulted ceilings. The house is now up for sale and will soon have new tenants.
See also: Architect’s modern home in California
Очень красивый дом и снаружи, и внутри. Но стены тонюсенькие: из фанеры и бруса
Дом как два рояля, белый и чёрный. Белый – концертный, чёрный – кабинетный.
Целая коллекция решений высокого стиля.