This California home recently experienced a devastating flood. The owners had to replace the floors in all rooms, rebuild the kitchen, repaint the walls and buy new furniture and decor. They wanted to return the house to its former splendor and dreamed of simple but expressive interiors. The floor in almost all rooms was laid with basic terracotta tiles, and the kitchen was made with a twist – an arch was placed in a niche above the stove, and Spanish tiles with hand-painted painting were chosen for the apron. The house has a long history and many architectural features are decades old, such as beamed ceilings, fireplace, wooden gates and front door. The furniture looks like vintage, but most of the items are made with modern materials, but in an old fashion. The neutral color scheme emphasizes the texture and color of the wood well, while green details refresh the space. It seems that the idea was a success – the interiors turned out to be simple and at the same time sincere!
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Очень красивый дом ! А входная дверь просто бомба !!!
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Less is more. Timeless beauty.
Дом понравился, а в дверь входную так просто влюбилась!