In design of this apartment in Sweden, the Scandinavian style has made good friends with the classics. Exquisite solid wood furniture, stucco moldings, doors with brass handles and an antique chandelier with candlesticks were added to the well-known white walls and parquet flooring. The ceilings here are about four meters, and the owners decided to take advantage of this by placing kitchen cabinets in two rows – it looks really unusual. At the same time, due to glass cabinets and white color, the kitchen does not look overloaded. The apartment is hidden from the street by stained-glass windows, which are perfectly combined with arched windows. A harmonious home, in which every item has found its place!
Tags: antiques white kitchen big windows high ceiling apartment Scandinavia Scandinavian style modern classics Sweden
About Author:
Maria is the lead author at She finished faculty of journalism and art school, works in the field of PR and has a special passion for cozy interiors. Warm and soulful interiors where the life is felt are really close to her.Like this post? Please share to your friends:
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А зачем зеркало над письменным столом в детской?
To make the narrow room look wider