Initially, the owners of this apartment planned to put it up for rent, so they asked the designers of ON Studio to create interiors fully suitable for this. But quarantine and self-isolation made its own adjustments to the project – the owner decided to keep the home for her family and design a space for cozy evenings with friends and small parties (after all, we all have recently begun to spend more time at home). Therefore, the concept had to be quickly changed already in the process of implementation; in the new housing, the emphasis was placed on lightness, mood and mobility of interiors, as well as interesting retro decor items. Enjoy!
See also: Warm and cozy story by Lexington
У этого интерьера “чемоданное настроение” с надеждой на “более лучшее” место(звучит как-то странно по-моему).
В итоге проект стал вообще обезличен, нет возможности выделить детали индивидуальных характерных форм. Толи слишком уж поздно было принято решение менять проект, толи слишком не охото было доплачивать.
Ох и тоска… То ли не въехали, то ли не выехали еще. И по цветам скучно и плоско