Art objects and furniture made of marble and other natural stone, original patterns and bold colors decorate the interiors of the apartment of Salvatori brand’s CEO in Milan. The owner runs the company already in the 3rd generation, he loves his business very much and wanted his home to be filled exclusively with items made to order by his designers. Such spaces are said to be one of a kind. Would you be able to live here? :)
Смотрите ещё один смелый интерьер от итальянских дизайнеров
Correct name is Salvatori.
You’re right, Misty, thank you. Already corrected!
Интерьер в камне, камень в интерьере :) У этой компании очень впечатляющие экспозиции на выставках, эта квартира практически музей. Думаю, что постоянно в ней никто не живет, для вечеринки с деловыми партнерами отличное место