Design of the open living-kitchen in this modern Moscow apartment began with marble – the owners fell in love with the spectacular olive stone Amazonia in one of the shops, so asked studio DSGN Hub to integrate it into the interior. So the idea came to make a kitchen apron of this kind of marble, supporting it with green-toned kitchen cabinets. In general, the modern interiors of the apartment, at the request of the clients, are designed in a calm color scheme with an abundance of natural materials, but it also could not do without interesting chips and solutions. So, in the main bedroom, the designers used beautiful wallpapers with fish print, while the walls of the kids room are decorated with wallpaper with retro machines. Enjoy!
See also: Deep shades in design of modern family apartment in Moscow
Не квартира , а учебное заведение. Возле мрамора на кухне учатся смелости, а возле картины в прихожей – пердеть.
Кухонный уголок получился очень эффектным!