Musician’s bright and lively loft in Vancouver

For the owner of this bright loft in Vancouver, a musician and music lover, this is not just a home, but also a place for soulful meetings with like-minded friends. Therefore, everything in its interiors is conducive to communication and pleasant pastime: a large and bright open space, a sofa and several armchairs, open shelves with bright decor and colorful posters. Such an abundance of details and upholstered furniture creates a really lively and inviting atmosphere, not to mention the fact that the loft turned out to be very stylish as well. Enjoy!

See also: Software engineer’s loft in San Francisco

About Author:
Anna Pufik is the founder and creative mind at blog. Anna specializes in interior design, together with her husband Sergiy they head the PH Studio design firm. She loves Scandinavian style and sophisticated timeless interiors. Follow Anna on Instagram.
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Comments: 1
  1. Кat

    А зачем соединили ванную и спальню?

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:) :D :( :o 8O :? 8) :lol: :x :P :oops: :cry: :evil: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :!: :?: :idea: :arrow: :| :mrgreen:

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