This year, we would like to start our Christmas inspiration series with the festive collection by Mango Home. This is the interior department of the famous fashion brand, which was born not so long ago, but has already managed to win the hearts of fans of calm modern interiors with timeless touches. This is exactly what their Christmas catalog turned out to be – elegant, modern, natural. The photoshoot was held in a gorgeous old mansion somewhere in France, which gave the collection a magical charm. Enjoy your inspiration!
See also one of the previous Christmas collections by Mango Home
Нет уж! Изголовье кровати каменная обшарпанная стена, лестница , как в подъезде трущоб и на завтрак кофе с корочкой черствого чёрного хлеба и кошкой от яблока – вообще никакой красоты я здесь и романтики не увидела! Бррррр . Веет холодом, затхлым запахом старины, гулким эхом, а то ещё здесь могут обижать привидения!!!!
Стильно и роскошно!