It is always very difficult to let the Christmas holidays go. We all want to hold on to this wonderful, often even fairytale-lake atmosphere that warms our hearts, longer. Therefore, we are happy to share with you photos of an incredibly cozy and soulful villa in the suburbs of Stockholm, where you can still feel this special holiday aura. The house was built more than 100 years ago, and its centuries-old character has given even more charm to its interiors. Enjoy your inspiration!
Tags: villa for rent Christmas tree house country cottage New Year holiday decor Christmas Scandinavian style Sweden
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Суперский интерьер. Очень душевный. Не понравилась только раковина – такой большой санузел, и такая маленькая, абсолютно неудобная посудина.
Спасибо за такой уют и праздник, прекрасная вилла, очень тепло и по-домашнему хорошо!!А интересная табличка какая) случайная покупка или корни ?)