Mid-century flair in the Swiss Alps: unusual Brecon Hotel

Working on the design of the Brecon Hotel in the Swiss Alps, Nicemakers Studio tried to take into account the historical context of this house and place. The fact is that in the 50-60s of the last century, this mountain home was a meeting place for celebrities and bohemians from all over the area and beyond. That is why in its updated design, in addition to traditional chalet elements, we can see a strong influence of the mid-century style, which makes its interiors so bright and memorable. Enjoy!

See also: Lots of wood in design of alpine chalet

About Author:
Anna Pufik is the founder and creative mind at pufikhomes.com blog. Anna specializes in interior design, together with her husband Sergiy they head the PH Studio design firm. She loves Scandinavian style and sophisticated timeless interiors. Follow Anna on Instagram.
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