All posts with tag:summer cottage

We continue to share the wonderful Swedish homes from Instagram. The snickargladjen page, run by interior designer and owner Johanna Berglund, has over 100,000 followers, which seems like a record for this type of accounts. But looking at the fairytale white facade and incredibly soulful interiors, it immediately becomes clear why the house is so…

This Connecticut home was built in the 1950s as an bachelor hunting cabin with dark rustic interiors and trophy decor. But now, half a century later, the new owners have turned it into a bright and soulful country house for a large family that loves to cook and spend quality time together. The interiors are…

Lena and Johan had recently lived in Stockholm in a new residential complex and could not imagine life outside a big city. But with the birth of their son Elias, their outlook on things has changed dramatically. They both grew up in the countryside and felt that they wanted to give the same upbringing to…

And although this wooden cottage in Denmark has a black facade, inside it is a real snow-white kingdom. The owner of the house, designer Kristina loves all things white and minimalist decor, so almost all surfaces in the house are white, even the floor. The cottage is rather small in size, but a such color…

Not all Swedish cottages are designed in the traditional Scandinavian country style inside. Look for example at this house: although it is lined with white clapboard on the outside, like a typical Swedish dacha, the owners decided to add more urban elegance and gloss to the interiors. Golden details, modern decor (including wall frames), a…

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of the figure of August Strindberg for Sweden. This is one of the brightest representatives of Swedish romanticism, who lived and worked at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, is rightfully considered the founder of modern Swedish literature and theater. August spent a lot of time…

Today we have a small Scandinavian cottage, which is very similar in format to our dachas: a modest wooden house, low ceilings, wood lining and a bedroom in the attic. But even in these conditions, Swedish designers managed to create their signature cozy soulful atmosphere. We especially liked the kitchen: open shelving, an old stove,…

This wonderful home near Goteborg looks like a typical traditional Swedish cottage and seems to be at least 100 years old. But in fact, this is a new house, built just a couple of years ago – the architects just very successfully stylized it old. Well, inside the owners Malin and Markus created their own…

Sorry, this entry is only available in RU. Hans Gedda – личность по истине легендарная: это всемирно известный шведский фотограф, который прославился тем, что запечатлел на своих фото многих исторических знаменитостей, а его работы до сих пор показывают ведущие музеи мира. Астрид Линдгрен, Нельсон Мандела, Энди Уорхол – благодаря Хансу, мы можем наслаждаться великолепными фото-портретами…

By the impressive area of the site, which is adjacent to this estate in southern Sweden, it can be understood that there used to be a large houshold here. And it is so: this is a 19th century farm that fell into disrepair some time ago and was later converted  into a cozy country home…