All posts with tag:Scotland

Emily Murray, a journalist and author of the popular blog about interior design, loves bright colors in everything that surrounds her. Just look at the interiors of her home in Scotland: amazing bright wallpaper, colorful furniture, pink neon signs, an abundance of motley decor and amazing details – all this combined with various prints creates…

An incredibly cozy combination of wood, linen fabrics, retro details, a stove and a view of the pond outside the window of this house takes us in our dreams to a family weekend in the country. And for some, these dreams can easily become a reality, because this house in the Scottish outback is for…

Glasgow-based interior designer Deborah Gordon chose a monochrome scheme for her apartment and surprises with her attention to details. And the main rule here is to maintain balance. Artfully combining black and white, she dilutes it with gray and enlivens it with small bright details. White was chosen as the main color, and black strokes…

The owner of this townhouse in Edinburgh is the author of a rather interesting and useful blog Unique Boutiques, which talks about original shops and home goods stores throughout Europe. She spends a lot of time traveling, as well as searching for interesting topics for publications on the Internet. It is not surprising that she…

Sorry, this entry is only available in RU. Только представьте, шотландская компания Johnstons of Elgin по производству кашемировых изделий существует больше 200 лет! Они, кстати, были первыми в Европе, кто начал разводить специальных горных коз, а потом ткать из их шерсти такую приятную на ощупь ткань. Из этой ткани фирма уже много лет делает отменную…

фасад старинного дома

Sorry, this entry is only available in RU. Что может быть уютней, чем старинный загородный домик где-нибудь в глубинке Великобритании, в котором хозяева вложили сердце и душу в ремонт и оформление! Именно о таком доме сегодня и хотим вам рассказать. Приятного просмотра!