Important Rules To Follow When Adding Plants To Your Home

There is nothing better than turning a humdrum interior into something utterly amazing by introducing a range of greenery. However, although lots of you might assume it’s as easy as getting a few pot plants from your local garden center, there are a few more things to conder if you want to make it unique. Fortunately, it isn’t as challenging as you might expect, and with a few simple guidelines, you will be well on your way to turning a blase indoor garden into something akin to the Amazon (but far easier to manage and include less dangerous creepy crawlies that want to eat you alive!)

photo: pernille loof

Research To Find Out What Kind Of Light And Water Each Plant Needs

Regardless of whether your plants will be indoor or outdoor, you need to know what they want regarding sun exposure. Each plant will have different requirements for light and water. Researching ahead of time as to what each plant needs in specific sunlight and water conditions can save you a lot of hassle and money in the long run.

For example, succulents, cacti, ferns, and palms thrive in bright and direct light and only need small amounts of water about once per week or so. Most different foliage plants, such as the different types of Monstera, Hoya, or Ivy, prefer moderate to bright indirect light and also do well when their soil is kept moist but not soggy. As you will read later on, understanding the moisture needs of each type of plant is another crucial step to ensuring your plants not only survive but thrive.

Invest In Nutrient-Rich Soil That Will Provide Enough Nourishment For Indoor Plants

Soil is the medium in which your plants will grow, and as such, you should take extra care when considering which soils to purchase. Investing in nutrient-rich soil that will provide enough nourishment for your interior plants is crucial if you want them to thrive. Solid quality affects how quickly a plant will absorb moisture and the nutrients it needs, so it’s absolutely vital that you get one with an appropriate balance of micro and macronutrients. Moreover, indoor plants will require something with a little extra “kick,” so look for soil with natural additives mixed in, such as bacteria and fungi, which can help break down organic matter for the plants’ benefit.

Furthermore, make sure you know what soil the plant you wish to plant prefers. This is because different plants demand differing pH levels or a combination of specific fertilizers and composted materials. By taking this step, you can ensure that your plants remain happy and grow strong all year round.

photo: olia paliychuk

Select The Right Pots And Planters For Each Plant

Although you might not think having the correct planters is all that essential, you’d be surprised at how important it can be. This is actually a vital step for successfully maintaining the new additions to your interior space. The right pot or planters will provide enough space for root growth, drainage to help keep the soil from becoming waterlogged, and aeration to help your plants breathe. There are many different sizes, shapes, and materials that you can choose from, but just make sure they have built-in drainage hotels at the base to allow excess water to escape. As a final aside, the pots you choose can also affect the overall aesthetic of the room they are in. With new age modern window boxes with no rot features, designed for those who want clean, simple lines to match their architecture, you can elevate the aesthetic appeal of your home effortlessly. Ensuring that the boxes are made of durable, weather-resistant materials will help them withstand varying climates and last for years to come.

Prune Them Regularly To Keep Them At Their Best

The act of pruning tends to separate most people into those who love it and those who hate it. However, if you are actually looking to get plants for the inside of your home, you will have to get used to the process regardless of which category you fall into! Essentially, pruning is vital to keeping your plants in optimal condition as it keeps the dead or dying parts from blocking the growth of the healthy bits.

It also encourages new, lush foliage to reappear, taking the space of the decayed section and keeping your plants looking great throughout the year. Luckily, all you need is a sharp set of shears, sometime in your week to get around to it, and some music on in the background to make you remember how amazing life is! The only tip you need to remember is to ensure a clean cut. Tearing can damage the plant and leave it susceptible to disease and other damage.

photo: bjurfors

Start Your Own Compost Heap

While a previous point extolled the virtues of buying top-quality soil, you might consider starting a compost heap if you want to go the extra step and keep that soil in tip-top condition. Composting isn’t just a great way to reduce waste; it can also be incredibly beneficial for new plants and flowers in your home. When proper soil management and fertilizer are combined with the help of compost, you can achieve optimal soil health, helping your plants reach their full and glorious potential. This is particularly important for specific plants that have unique nutrient needs, like palms. By creating a compost heap, you’ll enrich the soil naturally, making it an excellent fertilizer for palm trees and other nutrient-hungry plants. This added boost from compost helps support vigorous growth, enhances water retention, and provides essential minerals, all of which contribute to a thriving and resilient garden.

The best part is that composting doesn’t have to be complicated. Even if you don’t have an outdoor garden, starting a small indoor composting bin is an easy way to transform organic waste from your kitchen into valuable houseplant matter. However, look for a small container that can sit on your countertop and is salable to keep the flies and smells from invading your house.

Because Indoor Plants Do Not Receive Rain, They May Need More Water

Unless you have a leaky roof, it probably won’t rain inside your house! Jokes aside, it is essential that you water your plants regularly. To help you, you can always set a watering schedule that you can strive to abide by because, depending on the type of pants you own, you may need to water them frequently or just once a week. If you are particularly tech-savvy, you can check out the myriad apps and devices you set up to water your plants on a schedule programmed by you (or on the app’s advice). However, most people find that the very act of watering their plants is highly therapeutic and usually opt to do the job themselves.

Adding plants inside your home isn’t as difficult as it might appear. As long as you have suitable soil, understand the plants you are bringing in, and have time to give them some tender love and care, you’ll be thoroughly rewarded with beautiful flowers and foliage all year long!

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