5 advantages of gas stove with oven

A hob combined with an oven is a godsend for a compact kitchen. The advantage of such a design is its affordable cost. A high-quality gas stove with a convection oven is cheaper than a separate 4-burner hob and a large oven. The advantages do not end there.

Centralization of processes

If the stove and oven are in different corners of the kitchen, cooking becomes more complicated. You have to constantly rush between the appliances, trying to control the processes. Combined appliances allow you to perform several tasks at once. While soup is cooking on the stove, a cake can be baked in the oven. Everything is in front of your eyes and under control.


A dependent oven is convenient for cooking those dishes that imply several options for heat treatment. These include Kiev cutlets (frying and baking), creme brulee (boiling the cream and baking), potatoes with a crispy crust (first boiling, then grilling).

Uniform design

Gas stoves with an oven look great in the interior. They have a design in a single style. Depending on the design features, 2-in-1 models are classified into modern with digital displays and retro – with antique fittings. When buying “solo” devices, more attention will be paid to their appearance.

Basic requirements:

  • colors – one to one,
  • similar controls,
  • easy-to-clean materials.


The oven with a hob is functional. The burners have gas control and electric ignition. The oven has a backlight, timer, self-cleaning, adjustable levels, convection. Gas stoves with a grill and spit are popular. They can replace a multimaker, electric grill and multi-oven.


Gas stoves are indestructible. They serve for decades if the operating rules are followed. The appearance remains attractive throughout the entire service life if you:

  • use compatible dishes;
  • use gentle detergents;
  • remove dirt in a timely manner;
  • avoid impacts, scratches, and sudden jolts.

Rational use of space

It is more difficult with free-standing devices, each requires free space. Professional installation is more expensive: for 2 units of equipment – double the rate. It is easier to place a floor stove with an oven. The most popular installation location is a corner next to a window. In second place is installation in a kitchen set.

You can handle the installation yourself. Difficulties may arise only when connecting to the gas pipeline. Cooking on combined models gives positive emotions, since everything you need is always at hand.

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