All the walls, ceilings and floors of this Gothenburg apartment are painted white. The owners are clearly big fans of this color and feel in such a space as if in their natural environment. In terms of decor, a snow-white base is always a win-win option, as almost any color accents and objects will look great. In this home, there are only a few inserts of brown and black which emphasizes the designer’s aim for minimalism in everything. Very clean, bright and airy accommodation that inspires. Do you also think so?
More of white homes: Airy apartment for a girl
Больно от обилия белого?? :0
Луч света в темном царстве последних лет!
Обожаю такое обилие белого в интерьерах!
Все так четко смотрится на его фоне, особенно картины.
Квартира отличная! Для настоящих ценителей белого) Ну а тем, у кого “глазкам больно” или страдающим стереотипной “больничкофобией” этого никогда не понять)))