Interiors in warm colors often mean cream, brown, caramel tones or shades of autumn. But design studio Retrouvious who worked on the project of this Notting Hill house in London went even further. They used coral, rich lemon, coffee, and deep green. But this is not the only interesting fact. A lot of furniture here has found a second life. For example, the kitchen is made of old school desks and cabinets, a metal door to the bathroom was found at the London School of Economics, and the curtains are made of old fabrics. This added a special vintage mood to the spaces, which was supported by many interesting details: an unusual apron in the kitchen, an interesting headboard and decoration of the shower. On the one hand, it turned out to be a colorful and juicy home, opposed to London weather, and on the other, it’s a bright and elegant space with English character.
More: Cozy granny’s cottage
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Так и хочется всё в белый покрасить. Мы это уже проходили. Индийский розовый, желтый, зеленый, не дай Бог.
Тоже подумала, что эти удушающие цвета можно терпеть только некоторое время, пока есть новизна, а потом перекрасить в нейтральные, если хозяева не замерзают в промозглой Англии.
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