Design of this Oklahoma home was inspired by state history, which houses the National Cowboy and Western Heritage Museum. It was the Wild West that became the inspiration of the interiors. Outside, the building resembles a barn and is painted in a beautiful blue tint – a rare color for these places. The internal decoration used several species of wood, including rare mahogany. Black furniture and doors go well with it. In order not to make the space very gloomy, the designer did great work on decor. Cowboy and Native American motifs were used: echnic textile patterns, horns, figurines and paintings with horses, leather furniture and geometric prints. There are so many details that the rooms resemble a museum. But these items make the home so interesting and extraordinary!
See also: French home with ethnic touches
Все равно, на мой взгляд получилось мрачновато.
Для меня это смесь шотландского замка и вигвама. Хотя чему удивляться, если на Дикий Запад эмигрировало очень много шотландцев. Получился один из самых колоритных и запоминающихся интерьеров. Насыщенные цвета, клетка и орнаменты. Надёжная массивная красивая мебель. Все очень понравилось, хотя я любитель Испании и Сканди.