When in 2012, French winemaker Philippe Austruy acquired the Quinta da Corte vineyard in Portugal, the 200-year-old mansion was in poor condition. However, famous designer Pierre Yovanovich not only managed to save the building but to create a stylish hotel on its territory. There are only seven rooms in the hotel, but this perfectly laid down the concept of this place: enjoying wines and local landscapes involves silence. Modern architecture and furniture made excellent mix with traditional Portuguese elements: tiles, ornaments, handmade ceramics. By the way, the furniture was custom designed and manufactured by masters from France and Portugal. This place is a great option for exploring Portuguese traditions and local aesthetics!
See also: Boho style hotel in Portugal
Завидная лёгкость, непредсказуемость)) так хорошо, просто, такая спокойная внутренняя свобода..