This house looks like an American mansion, but in fact it is a villa in Catalonia. It seems that the building is a hundred years old, but in fact it is new, but it was designed according to the classical rules and canons. The owner was inspired by the Hamptons mansions, Los Angeles houses, small Parisian salons and English country estates. The attention to detail, as well as the craving for vintage and elegant objects, has been embodied in an elegant interior, both eclectic and classic. For example, the fireplace is made of stone according to old drawings, and several pieces of furniture that the family inherited, restored and allocated them the best places in the interior. A well-groomed garden and a veranda that remind gardens from Monet paintings give a special charm to the house. The owner says that she devoted herself to this house, and looking at these interiors, it is easy to believe her!
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Чудесно! Наконец-то мои любимые солнечные и теплые испанские интерьеры. Но так жаль, что мало фотографий. Смотрела бы и смотрела.
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Фикус лировидный
Фикус лировидный (Ficus lyrata)?
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