Magnificent attic apartment with brick walls and black accent furniture in Sweden

This spacious attic apartment in Sweden captivates with its thoughtful and cozy design. Brick walls contrast nicely with white vaulted ceilings and light-colored objects, while black furniture helps to set the accents. The basic colors are beautifully complemented by blue and caramel, and, as is often the case in Swedish interiors, the entire decor is thought out to the smallest detail. In addition, it is worth emphasizing that the apartment provides for very diverse life scenarios: there are places for work, privacy, meetings with guests, there is a well-thought-out storage system, a laundry, a utility block and even its own corner on the street in the form of a beautiful balcony. An apartment that feels like a house!

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About Author:
Maria is the lead author at She finished faculty of journalism and art school, works in the field of PR and has a special passion for cozy interiors. Warm and soulful interiors where the life is felt are really close to her.
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Comments: 2
  1. Наталья

    Очень стильно.

  2. Ольга

    Потрясающе гармоничная и уютная квартира. Всё продумано и выдержано в едином стиле. Оочень нравится)

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