Usually, the basis of any interior is designed in a light and calm manner, while character and color are added with the help of decor pieces. In this Swedish apartment, the opposite is true: all the walls are painted in a rather active dark gray shade, and the furniture is light and monochromatic, almost white. Thus, quite interesting and spectacular, but at the same time soft and pleasant contrasts have turned out. It is worth noting that the home is decorated mainly with goods of budget Scandinavian brands, nevertheless, the interior looks decent. Enjoy!
See also: Small designer’s apartment in dark tones in Moscow
Лимон – луч света в тёмном царстве.
Хороший пример , как сделать жильё стильным при небольшом бюджете, грамотный баланс светлого и темного
Такое ощущение, что вся страна покупает только икеевские предметы мебели и интерьера!