Studio Project Interiors that worked on the renovation of this suburban Chicago home named their project Historically Corrected. The fact is that the designers treated the unique English-style cottage, built in the 1920s by the famous American architect Harold Zook, with great trepidation and respect, and tried to restore the house to its former glory. The exterior of the cottage has been almost completely preserved, while the interiors have received a stylish modern update, but with the original design and sense of spaces in mind. What came of it – see in today’s photo tour!
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Не дом, а шкатулка с сокровищами. Богатая история и невероятная красота.
Изящно, утонченно, гениально!
Свежо, красиво и невероятно уютно! Много впечатляющих деталей, виват мастеру!