Louise is a full-time teacher’s assistant, but decorating own home is her favorite hobby, which even made her a little famous in the hometown of Aarhus, Denmark. The fact is that the popular Danish site Boligmagasinet.dk recently held a competition among amateur decorators, and Louise won it with the interiors of her charming apartment. This is a small attic space on the top floor of the apartment building, which is distinguished by warm natural tones, as well as a light and cozy atmosphere. Enjoy!
See also: Modern wooden cottage in Denmark
Действительно, тепло и уютно. Видно, что с любовью оформлен каждый уголок.
Светло, уютно, спору нет. Вопрос – на чём готовит хозяйка? Где плита, посуда (не тарелочки и кружка с какао, а банальные кастрюли)?Туалет/ванна/душ? Гардероб? Страна не из тёплых, думаю набор курток/сапог должен присутствовать.
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