The interiors by the young studio Atelier ND Interior from the Netherlands are so bright and cool due to the fact that designers use the techniques of several different styles and approaches in their work. Here you can see the conciseness of the Scandinavian style, bright colors and wallpapers from English style, and active prints in textiles – just like in American interiors. And if we add here wonderful historical Dutch architecture, then at the end we will get a memorable and spectacular design. Interestingly, the founder of the studio, Nicole, is self-taught designer and does not have special education, her design career began spontaneously – after successful renovations for her friends and relatives. Enjoy!
See also: Beautiful work by Dutch stylist
Радостные интерьеры! Как бы пропекаешься южным солнцем.
Сочетание дерева с бирюзовым цветом – всегда беспроигрышно. Понравилось соломенное солнце на стене и тигровый слон!