In hot countries, private terraces are a real salvation for apartment owners. Owners of this apartment in Spain do not have to run out of town in the midst of heat, in addition, to receive guests on such a terrace in the evenings is a pleasure. The interiors are dominated by pleasant shades of wood, as well as gray and milky tones. An interesting technique was used in the living room: several mirrors decorate the head of the sofa at once – it looks very impressive. Another good solution is a grid on a children’s bed instead of bulky sides, it does not overload the space and does not block the view. The designer also did a great job with the details, they add a sunny mood to this space. The apartment turned out to be incredibly cozy and homely also because the owner of the apartment is a pastry chef, and here it always smells of fresh pastries!
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Обилие декора что на веранде, что в квартире создает ощущение беспорядка . Мебель неудачно расставлена в гостиной, а на веранде того и гляди зацепишься ногой за стулья Зеркала в изголовье дивана при неловком движении упадут прямо на голову сидящих, они не закреплены да и зачем их так много? Спальня лаконична ничего лишнего. Но интерьер перегружен.