From the outside, this house near Krasnodar does not at all look like suburban home – a simple and monotonous brick facade would fit better into the city landscape. But the internal space was not at all what you would expect to see in buildings of similar architecture. Instead of the expected loft or minimalism, we see an incredibly soulful mix of vintage furniture, bright colors, antique decor and modern design objects. And of course, living plants, which not only surrounded the house from the outside, but also seem to gradually make their way inside. Enjoy!
See also: Stylish modern apartment in Krasnodar
Всё очень понравилось! И дворик, и интерьер. Кровать изумительная. Такая эклектика мне по душе
Очень понравилось!
Восхищена! Один из самых интересных интерьеров! Настоящий книжный шкаф, библиотека, что редко сейчас увидишь. Интересные люстры, очень красивый буфет, и кровать тоже впечатлила.
В кухне поменяли люстры ! И обе замечательные ! Заметила не сразу.
Вы уже видели ранее этот интерьер?
Дом понравился. Но внутри увидела только два фикуса Бенджамина: в гостиной и ванной. У восхищения, как и у страха, глаза велики)) Вот моя квартира утопает в зелени, особенно гостиная. Мне даже писали, что у меня «тайская хижина» и «растения меня выживают» :D
The first thing that struck me in this post was that every room speaks of a different character. With every turn in the corner, you are surprised, as you do not know what the room entails, and that brings you a feeling of discovery. As you see the house from a distance, it looks incomplete, but as you head closer, you realize that this is the look that the owners have been aiming to achieve. All the rooms have a distinctive rustic feel to it, and the colors match them perfectly. For me, the best room was the amalgamation of the living room and the study. Professional contractors can help you recreate the same feel in your house, all with the magic of remodeling.
Thanks for your honest comment, Jacob:)