The color scheme chosen for the design of this Los Angeles home is captivating and mesmerizing. Designer has selected beautiful natural shades: brown, olive, sand, graphite, ocher. Such complex and beautiful colors can be easily found in nature, but they are not always used in interior decoration. Furniture and items made of different types of wood go well with them. The task was to design different functional areas in the house and at the same time uniting them with a single style and mood. For example, along with a large space with an open kitchen, dining room and living room, there are more secluded areas with a sofa and armchairs. The family also has a playroom, poker room, home theater, study, guest bedrooms and an impressive dressing room. Perhaps the most striking out of the overall design is the washroom in ultramarine color, but we fully understand the designer and the owners here – it’s hard to resist tiles of such a beautiful shade!
See also: Warm elegance in California