This house is located in the suburbs of Kyiv in the modern cottage town of Villaggo, where all objects are built in the same architectural style – therefore, it was important for the designers of Sivak + Partners to fill the interiors with individuality. Its owners, a young and progressive couple, wanted bright colors and interesting prints for their home, at the same time, warmth and comfort were also of great importance to them. As a result, the interiors turned out to be moderately bright, but very warm and pleasant – you would want to live here!
Photo: Yevhenii Avramenko
Супер ! Лаконічно і затишно !
А де яркі кольори?!… І це для молодої пари? Кольори суперконсерватимні, цікавих рішень не побачила. Все передбачуване.
Яскраві кольори тут як акценти, в кожній кімнаті є свій:). Насправді дизайнери намагалися балансувати між яскравими елементами і затишною домашньою атмосферою.