Reagan and Sloan Struble began thinking about a house away from prying eyes during the pandemic, but after finding the perfect nest in the wild countryside, they don’t want to go back to the city. As an interior designer by profession, Reagan immediately saw potential in an old 19th-century farmhouse in Texas, even though the house was almost falling apart. And besides, the location was very suitable at the time – this spot was difficult to even find on a map. But the couple miraculously restored the cottage, including its magnificent white Victorian facade – now it is a real secret oasis of coziness and comfort for its owners!
See also: Beautiful white home with ocean views
А как это, чудесным образом восстановили? Наверное, дизайнер, как Василиса Премудрая, махнула одним рукавом, и появилось озеро, затем махнула другим, лебеди…