All posts with tag:Kharkiv

Designer Elena Zabelina says this modern apartment in Kharkiv, Ukraine, was designed and completed in record short time of only three months. The reason for this was the client who knew exactly what he wanted for his future home, even the smallest feature. The interiors are minimal and clean with an accent on large panoramic windows…

The owners of this amazing two-level apartment in Kharkiv, Ukraine asked studio Ki Design to create a bright, modern home, which should relax and soothe, because they have enough fuss outside. But they also wanted very much that there was something special and impressive in their home that would make the guests wonder. The decision…

Sorry, this entry is only available in RU. Эта очень светлая современная квартира в Харькове прекрасна не только своим великолепным и на удивление стильным дизайном, но и особым видом из окон. Хозяевам несказанно повезло: они могут любоваться великолепным Собором Успения Пресвятой Девы Марии постройки 18 века прямо лежа в своей кровати. Впечатляет и гостиная, совмещенная…